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WSPA Spring 2021 Newsletter

31 May 2021 7:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

This Memorial Day we honor and remember those who gave everything in service to their country. Our gratitude lies with these individuals and their families. 

As you enjoy your day away from the office, we hope you will take some time to peruse the latest issue of the WSPA newsletter.

In this issue, you will receive an update from our board president, Stephen Ratzlaff, on the ongoing efforts of our board and membership. Bruce Hinds and Scott Cooper supply us with the interesting history of D. B. Cooper as told by Bill Hoover, and Stephen Ratzlaff takes us on a well-referenced journey to the incredible Ross Lake in this month's Logbook Reveries

In addition to these pieces, we announce the date and location of our Summer Splash-in, and provide a brief review of our recent Spring "Rust Remover" Virtual Safety Seminar, with links to the videos and presentation included!

Wishing you and your loved ones a safe and relaxing Memorial Day, 

WSPA Board of Directors

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