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  • 01 Mar 2021 8:35 AM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    Please enjoy the latest issue of the WSPA newsletter. In it, you can read about recent initiatives undertaken by our board and membership, take a tour via seaplane with Don Goodman and friends through the state of Washington in this issue's Logbook Reveries, and learn about our first ever virtual event: Grounded Hogs 2021.

    WSPA Newsletter 2021.Q1.pdf

    We appreciate your continued support and look forward to seeing you in 2021!

  • 16 Nov 2020 12:14 PM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    Please enjoy the latest issue of the WSPA newsletter.

    In this issue you will receive an update from our board president, Stephen Ratzlaff, on the ongoing efforts of our board and membership. You will also read some more interesting seaplane history provided by Kevin Franklin, review the importance of checklists in safe operations with Bruce Hinds, and travel to Stehekin, Washington with Amy Fenwick in a new column we're adding to promote visits to local seaplane destinations: Logbook Reveries.

    Would you like to contribute to a future newsletter?

    We love hearing from our members and appreciate when members share safety and maintenance tips, photos, and of course, anecdotes highlighting their memorable experiences and favorite places to fly. If you have something to share, please send an email to Scott Cooper, Board Member and Newsletter Editor, pilotcooper@gmail.com.

    WSPA Newsletter 2020.Q4.pdf
  • 07 Oct 2020 3:09 PM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    In 2013, the Washington Seaplane Pilots Association (WSPA) worked with the Foss Waterway Development Authority to enable the use of the seaplane float at the north end of the docks located at 535 Dock Street in Tacoma

    This message is to inform you that the float has been removed from service for the duration of the winter months. You can look forward to a notification from us in the spring when it is returned to service.

    Keeping waterways open to seaplanes is one part of an ongoing effort made by the WSPA on behalf of our members and fellow seaplane pilots. We provide member updates on seasonal access, and offer support in determining appropriate use and procedures for entry into known waterways. 

    If you have questions about a specific waterway or destination, please send us an email and we will be happy to assist.

    Best regards,

    Washington Seaplane Pilots Association (WSPA)

  • 31 Aug 2020 7:48 PM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    Please enjoy the latest issue of the WSPA newsletter. 

    In it, you can read about the training adventures of three new commercial MES pilots, a Super Petrel LS named Daisy, and various tips to prevent mishaps known to occur when operating amphibious aircraft. 

    We would like to thank Addison Pemberton, Tonya Rutan, and Burke Mees for contributing their work and many great photos.  Also, thanks to editor, Scott Cooper for putting it all together.

    As always, we appreciate your continued support. Enjoy what remains of Summer 2020 and we hope to see you at a future splash-in!

    2020Q3 WSPA Newsletter_Final.pdf

  • 26 Aug 2020 7:47 AM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    Attached is an article Burke wrote on amphib safety in 2016. It is well written and as pertinent today as ever. We reference it in our upcoming newsletter, and want to thank Burke for sharing his work as we continue to promote safety in everything we do.

    Mees_Landing Gear _ The Amphib Pilot's Survival Instinct 2016.pdf

  • 10 Aug 2020 9:45 AM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    The WSPA is hosting a Pop-Up Splash In at the Floathaven Seaplane Base this coming Sunday, August, 16, 2020 from 11:00AM - 3:00PM. See the attached flyer and visit our Events Page for more information. 

    Lake Whatcom _ Floathaven Seaplane Base Splash In-2.pdf

  • 10 Jun 2020 1:41 PM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    Please enjoy the latest issue of the WSPA newsletter.

    Among others you will find articles and updates pertaining to: WSPA events, membership, and our ongoing efforts to support seaplane flying in Washington; Kenmore Air's plans for resuming flight operations; and our first high school scholarship recipient! 

    We would like to thank Scott Cooper for editing this issue and supplying us with some neat history on Dornier and the Seastar, as well as a review of Birds of the Island, by Sir Gordon Taylor. 

    As always, we appreciate your continued support. We look forward to seeing you at a future splash-in!


    WSPA Board of Directors

    WSPA Newsletter Spring 2020.pdf

  • 13 May 2020 8:39 AM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    Member Update

    In 2013, the Washington Seaplane Pilots Association (WSPA) worked with the Foss Waterway Development Authority to enable the use of the seaplane float at the north end of the docks located at 535 Dock Street in Tacoma

    We're glad to inform you that the float has been returned to service for the duration of the summer months.

    Keeping waterways open to seaplanes is one part of an ongoing effort made by the WSPA on behalf of our members and fellow seaplane pilots. We provide member updates on seasonal access, and offer support in determining appropriate use and procedures for entry into known waterways. 

    If you have questions about a specific waterway or destination, please send us an email and we will be happy to assist.

    Best regards,

    Washington Seaplane Pilots Association (WSPA)

  • 28 Nov 2019 3:58 PM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    The latest edition of the WSPA newsletter is out and may be accessed for download here. WSPA Fall Newsletter 2019.pdf

  • 26 Oct 2019 5:19 PM | Amy Fenwick (Administrator)

    Member Update

    In 2013, the Washington Seaplane Pilots Association (WSPA) worked with the Foss Waterway Development Authority to enable the use of the seaplane float at the north end of the docks located at 535 Dock Street in Tacoma

    This message is to inform you that the float has been removed from service for the duration of the winter months. You can look forward to a notification from us in the spring when it is returned to service.

    Keeping waterways open to seaplanes is one part of an ongoing effort made by the WSPA on behalf of our members and fellow seaplane pilots. We provide member updates on seasonal access, and offer support in determining appropriate use and procedures for entry into known waterways. 

    If you have questions about a specific waterway or destination, please send us an email and we will be happy to assist.

    Best regards,

    Washington Seaplane Pilots Association (WSPA)

Questions? Contact us! 


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